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British Standards Institution
The BSI is the UK national standards body that develops standards and standardization solutions to meet the needs of business and society. It is responsible for facilitating, drafting, publishing and marketing standards and related information products, and provides organizations with best practice solutions that represent and support the needs of UK business and society at home and abroad.

Building Services Research and Information Association
The BSRIA is an independent, non profit distributing, member based UK consultancy, test and research organisation working with construction and building services companies and their clients.

ERA Technology
ERA works at the leading edge of many advanced technologies to provide specialist, high value-added, technology-based services including design and development, testing, assessment and expert advice. Europe's leading consultancy for impartial electronic, mechanical and electrical engineering reliability & failure investigation.

Fire Protection Association
The FPA is the UK's national fire safety organisation protecting people, property, business and the environment.

Safety and Reliability Society
SaRS is an internationally recognised society whose purpose is to represent engineers and scientists working in the field of safety and reliability, in order to enhance the professionalism and reputation of all those involved in safety and reliability technology.